Monday, July 9, 2007

Recipe and today's menu

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I will talk about our weekend on another post- it was a long weekend here.
I wanted to share what we are having tonight for dinner. I am trying to eat out of the pantry and freezer this week and not have to go to the store for food. I am looking through some of my recipes for recipes that don't call for ingredients that I don't have.
For today I came up with
Baked Ranch Chicken
Mashed potatoes
Green Beans
If we have dessert we will probably have no-bake cookies.
Breakfast was rice (the kids really do love having breakfast rice) and lunch will be CORD (clean out the refrigerator day).

Here is the recipe for Baked Ranch Chicken
Chicken- I am using 5 chicken legs (big ones) and 2 breasts
1 C Ranch dressing
Marinade the chicken in the dressing, overnight is best.
Mix together 1 1/2 C Italian breadcrumbs, 1/2 C Parmesan cheese and a little salt and pepper.
Roll the chicken in the coating and put on a baking sheet. Depending on what kind of chicken you used bake at 400 degrees for 20-60 minutes. Since I am using 2 different kinds of chicken, I will start the legs first and after 35 minutes, add the breasts.
I am not sure if I am going to make mashed potatoes or bake some potato hunks. You cut up potatoes in desired size and coat them with whatever you want. I would probably lightly coat them in what I coated the chicken with. That sounds easier (and more flavorful) than mashed.

I am going to get busy around here. This past weekend was tiring and we didn't get much done around here so I need to get busy today.
Have a wonderful and God filled day!!

1 comment:

My name is Michelle. said...

That sounds wonderful! I'm definitely gonna try it the next time I find some good chicken on sale.