Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Recipe and new site

Well, I am still alive and finally able to post. Life became so hectic and exhausting that I didn't even have time to get on here and share the recipe. We have been traveling since August first. I have had a little time and posted a few entries in our family blog about what we are doing but barely. I honestly thought that life would be so much more laid back and I would have time-a-plenty to blog and read but that hasn't been the case. I am sure those days are coming but for now I am taking the snippets that I can to post. Here is a link to the recipe that I mentioned. The pancakes were wonderful and saved so much morning time for me. I made a few changes but not many. I used half whole wheat flour, added ground flaxseed, increased the sugar to 4 T and ended up adding more flour than called for the next morning. I also didn't use regular buttermilk, I used milk with vinegar. Here is the link http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Overnight-Pancakes/Detail.aspx
I hope you try them and enjoy them as much as we did.
Here is a link to our website www.7ontheroad.com
We have information on there about what we are doing and a link to a few blogs that we are doing as a family.
Well, gotta run. We are making a pitstop before we get to our next destination- Jefferson, OH.


My name is Michelle. said...

How exciting! I can't wait to read your updates on your new site! So you plan to come through TN at some point?

Jennifer said...

Hi Michelle- sorry about not replying- life is so busy now and when it isn't, I can't always get on the computer (with 7 people, it can be a little difficult). We were planning on coming to TN, but won't be able to right now. We have talked about if we continue, make sure we hit the middle eastern states that we missed and the ones north of New York. I really wanted to go to TN, it is so beautiful there.