Monday, December 10, 2007

Menu for Dec 9-15

Here is my menu for the week of December 9-15.

Sunday- Fellowship at a couple's house during the Packer game- we took cookies
Monday- CP Cooked Roast with carrots and potatoes, salad and homemade rolls
Tuesday-Chicken with biscuits
Wednesday- BBQ Beef sandwiches on homemade buns, fries and baked beans
Thursday- Leftovers- if not enough, I will take the beef and top baked potatoes with it
Friday- Chicken quesadillas with gauc and beans (we are going back to Milwaukee to the dentist so we will have this for lunch and take snacks with us to eat on the way home)
Saturday- Tortilla chip pie

This menu is pretty cheap- the beef was on sale this week and both times I use it, there should be enough for leftovers. I am pretty sure this weeks worth of dinners did not cost me more than $30. It was probably less than that, but I would rather round up than down.

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