Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thanksgiving Links

I know that Thanksgiving is right around the corner and these links might be too late for some, but I am going to post them just in case.
The one I have is a homeschool site and she has a ton of links:

I was going to post some more, but I think she has plenty on there. There are crafts, recipes, stories, games, etc.

If you are looking for a few new recipes but don't like to just pick a recipe and try it, you can look at www.allrecipes.com I love going there. Not only do you get recipes but you also get reviews and even pics sometimes. They have a Thanksgiving section you can browse through too. This is my main source of new recipes.

1 comment:

My name is Michelle. said...

I *love* allrecipes! I get many, many of my food ideas there.