Saturday, June 30, 2007

New Goals

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekends. This Saturday has been busy even though we haven't gone anywhere. DH trimmed trees, weed-eated, mowed. We burned all of the limbs that were cut today. What a busy day. We had a large brunch today that everyone liked- scrambled eggs, biscuits, gravy, banana pancakes, sausage and bacon.
There is something I would like to start for the next few months. It is based on the phrase, baby steps. We often try so hard to do too much at one time and then often fail. Since most of us are in summer and aren't doing serious schooling right now, I think now is the time to really get back on track with basics. For the next week, I am going to concentrate on my personal time with the Lord. Are there times that you have been to busy to pray or read the Bible? To be honest, I have. Or at least I thought I was. Where I want to start with getting back on track in my life is focusing on God. When we leave out God in our daily lives, our lives are not going the direction that they need to be, we make decisions that we shouldn't, and we have attitudes that we shouldn't. (there are much more things that I can list, but those are often where I see my biggest problems when I get lax in my time with God)
My goal is to spend time in prayer and read my Bible everyday. If you aren't spending time daily with God, I hope you will join me in this.

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