Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I made a sourdough starter in New York (I think) and have kept it going and have made a few things from it. Last night I made some fabulous sourdough biscuits to go with our dinner. They really helped round out our meal and fill those little bellies.
Here is the recipe I used- I pretty much did it exactly right although I guessed on the salt, baking powder and soda. I also used milk with vinegar added for the buttermilk. The biscuits were soft, fluffy and tall. I might keep experimenting with various recipes but this one was really delicious.


1 comment:

dayz in and dayz out... said...

I really enjoy your blog! I can't wait to spend some time poking around :-)

Thats amazing that you could keep a start going! How long have you had it?
I have tried wild sourdough starts. It was going into summer and the warmth made it more than I was willing to reckin' with :-)
My mom gave me a dried start from our region (pacific northwest). I am now ready to start. I'll keep you posted on the outcome :-)