Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I Am Amazed at how Quckly Time Passes

I have been busy with lots of different things that are going on in our family right now. When I decided that I better get over to blogger to finally post I couldn't believe how long it has been since I lasted blogged! There have been so many times I wanted to post something but just never found the time to log in and blog about it.
My family is about to undertake a very big change in our lives. Basically we are selling most of our possessions, giving away just about everything and will store a few things we are willing to part with. We will then pack up the few things that are left and will then head out on the road. No we aren't crazy, no we haven't lost our minds, no we aren't going through a crisis. This is something that we have prayed about for a while and feel God is leading us in this direction. Not only will we be able to spend more time together as a family, we are also hoping to be able to minister to others as we travel. Our time on Earth is short. We really need to embrace everyday as the time it is since we don't know when our last day is. We will be able to do so much more together and spend time as a complete family (when dh is gone, I don't feel we are complete).
We do have a website but dh hasn't done much with it yet- he has been much busier than I have. He had 36 hours of OT this past payday! We are hoping to use the site to chronicle our journey and also share our story with others.
Well, now you know where I have been and what I have been up to- packing, planning, building, planning, plus homeschooling and all of the other day-to-day stuff that goes on.

1 comment:

My name is Michelle. said...

Be sure to post the web address for those of us that want to "follow" you! What a great adventure!