Wednesday, August 1, 2007

BW: Personal Relationship

Before we can start working on any other part of being an obedient child of God, we have to have a relationship with Him. How can one have a relationship with God? What does that mean? I hope to answer these questions through these posts.
Some many Christians say that they have a personal relationship with Christ. Many say that it is the most important part of their walk. But what does that mean? What are they doing? What should we do to have that relationship? To know about the Lord doesn't mean that we KNOW HIM. There is a difference.
When you have a relationship with someone you spend time together, communicate and trust the other person. Well, here we are talking about the One-True-Holy God. God who loves us so much he sacrificed all for us! Does He deserve our leftovers or our best? Should we attempt to reach our to Him? Yes we should and we need to do do all three of those starting with spending time with Him. We need to make our relationship a priority in our life just like we would with our husband, kids and friends.
So the first step would be to make the time with Him a priority. Here are a few tips for making time to be with Him:
Wake up before everyone else
If you have little kids, when you lay them down for a nap, make that your time
Have a time where everyone is quietly working on something and you spend time with God
While dinner is cooking, use that time
Instead of watching tv, use that time
When the kids are all down at night, use that time
When the kids are in the bath, playing, listening to a story, etc. There is time at some point during the day where you can get them entertained and you can give your time to the Lord.
If you work away from home, use the time in the car to talk to him. Turn off the radio and enjoy the silence in the car- no interruptions and spend time with God. You can use your lunch hour to read your Bible if needed.
If you look at your days, there is a space of time that you can use for spending time with God. I am not an early riser. I can get up early a few days in a row but after that I just can't seem to wake up the next day. I don't know why so I don't get up before everyone at 5 or 6 and spend time with God however I do make time as the day goes on. I have my prayer time and Bible reading and Bible study. Plus I am teaching my children about God and His word.
One thing I am learning though is that we have to at some point start being silent in His presence and just listening. Us mothers of little ones might find this part difficult but if we make the effort it will be worth it.
Something I would like to add about what I have written so far:
I am not saying that we should have our time with God and then move on. No. We need to put Him in every part of our lives. I think about Him all the time and talk to Him too. My point is that if we don't make a conscious effort to have a relationship with Him, then it probably isn't going to happen.
I am going to stop here for today. I am hoping to add some more to this tomorrow. I am trying to keep up with my duties around here and keep up with writing this too.

1 comment:

Veggiemomof2 said...

I do my women's bible study lesson in the mornings, then while in the line to pick up kids at school, I read my devotionals. On Saturdays, I do research for whatever we will be studying in sunday school the next day.